Mom Swaps

Build your village!

We were not meant to do life alone. Did you know that people with stronger social connections live longer?

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Mom Swap is a meet-up to facilitate connection. You can also bring something to give away and take something else home!

These events are FREE and sponsored by Ladder to the Stars Wellness.

This is an open invitation for local women to gather. Bring yourself, your kid(s), a friend — all are welcome! The first few meetings will be purely social. Life is messy and so are we, so let’s talk about it.

Ideally, meet ups will occur monthly.

What to expect: You can expect to hang out, introduce yourself and little one(s) and chat with other moms in a non-judgmental space. Things happen; kids interrupt and want snacks and need diaper changes…and that’s ok. This is low maintenance, low expectations.

MOM SWAP 4/28/24 at 4PM, COASTAL COUNTY BREWING was a success!

Next event coming soon! Stay up to date on our Instagram (@Laddertothestars) and Facebook pages!